•Primo SUGAR
-Quality Produced : White/ Refined Sugar 
-Quantities Produced :
(1) Beet sugar plant Annual capacity 120000Tonnes / season
(2) Imported raw sugar refinerment plant annual capacity100000 tonnes /season
-Quality Produced Specifications : White /Refined Sugar Produced In Conformity With :
-Quality. /Egyptian Standards no 385 / 1990
-Quality ./Europian Standards
Quality Proudced White/ Refiend Sugar Technical Specifiactions :
- Pure white homogeneous colour, taste and shape
- Sweet tasting colourless and odourless
- Free running
- Min . polarization 99 . 70 degrees
- Max . Extinction coefficient 60 (ICUMISA) unites
- Max . moisture 0 .1 pct
- Max . ash 0 .04 pct
- Inverted sugar max 0.04 pct
- SO2 max . 20 mg /kg
- Max . arsenic 1 mg / kg
- Max . copper 2 mg / kg
- Max . lead 2 mg /kg
*Due to the fact that Daqahlia Sugar Compary's Factories are producing the sugar in conformity with Quality Egyptian Standards no . 385 /1990 and Quality Europian standards ……. Egyptian pharmacitucal Cos. and soft drinks Cos ., preferred to cover all their needs of white / refined sugar from its sugar quality .
Quality : Beet Molasses
Quantity Produced: Annual Production Capacity is 50000 tonnes/season .
Quantity For Export : Most of Annual Production Capacity season / is for Export on international auction basis .
Quality /Specifications : 
-Polarization 46-55%
-Brix on dry material 81-87%
-Purity 60 - 65
Beet molasses applications :
-For yeasts , chemicals , feeding stuff……industries .
Quality : Beet Pulp Pellets ( Dried )
Quantity Produced :
- Annual Production Capacity is 50000 tonnes /season
Quantity For Export :
- Most of Annual Production Capacity / Season is for EXPORT on International Auction basis
Quality / Specifications :
- Moisture : max 12 %
- Succarose : max 9%
- Protein : abt . 9%
- Pellets diameter : 9 - 11 mm
- Unmolassed ( free form molasses )
*Applications :
- For porducing: animal feed